Haven´t been here for a while. Well, I gues nothing special happened to my submissions, did it?
I visited Amerika the last three weeks. Really a nice country, even if I hadn´t enough time to see everything. However, it´s nice to be back home, but I miss the bagels and the cheese balls ~_~
Maybe I will upload some new submissions soon...
Every year is the United States, 50 monkeys take kitchen forks and stick them in electric outlets. I have no clue if that's ok with you, but for me it isn't. Help fight the cause at: monkeysthatstickkitchenforksinelectri c outlsets.com and get a free t- shirt with a monkey sticking a fork in an electric outlet on it. Symptoms include vomiting, internal bleeding, and death. No purchase necessary. Thousands will enter, one will win. Go to monkeysthatstickkitchenforksinelectri c outlets.com for more info. Sponsored by Captain Crunch cereal, crunchitize me captain <3